Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

To the men in my life, who I adore as fathers, I want to wish each of you a Happy Father's Day.

First to my dad. Thanks dad for being there for me over the years. You and mom have always been so generous to Jim and I and the kids. How can I ever thank you enough for all that you have done for us? (Jim would probably like to shoot you for getting me my very first Bernina sewing machine, but I love you for doing that for me dad.) Big hugs... and I can't wait until you and mom are finally here with me forever. Thanks for everything dad. I love you. (I just had to use this picture of you and mom)

Next, to my oldest son James. Well son, you were a little slow in getting married, but I know Stef was well worth the wait. You two are perfect for each other. When the two of you had Reilly and Teagan, well.. it just couldn't get any better than that. The Lord richly blessed you with those two girls. Enjoy them son, all too soon the time is gone and you'll wish they were back home with you. You're girls are priceless.... just like you. I love you son.

My son-in-law Randy didn't have a choice in being part of our family because once I met him I just flat out told him that he had to marry one of my girls.... and he did. (Thanks for listening.) I love the fact that you are now the father of four of my grandchildren. Such treasures you have there. I have seen how committed you are to your children and your love for them is precious. Thank you for that son. Hugs and kisses.

To my son-in-law Aaron. I hope you know how much you mean to me. Being the father of my three grandsons, I'm sure, keeps you hopping. But I know that you know that those boys are worth it. You and Nicole have taught them well. They are so respectful and their manners are impeccable. Thank you for that Aaron... and for loving them like you do.

And now to my youngest son John. Watching you with your two children has been my delight. Parenthood kind of changes things doesn't it? I know it did for me. I understood a lot better the fears and the frustrations my own parents must have had while raising my brother and I. With the knowledge that I have now, I sometimes wish that I could go back in time and change some things but obviously that's not how God's plan works. Just keep loving those children of yours son and love their mom and most importantly, love the God that made each one of you. Smooches.

And last, but definitely not least, to the father of my seven children, I wish you a very Happy Father's Day honey. Who would have ever thought that we would have been so blessed. Sometimes don't you just wonder why God entrusted you and me with these great kids of ours? I know I do. Every one of them is a true miracle.. a true gift. But so are you. You have worked so hard our entire married life to make sure that our children had whatever they needed. I never, ever had to worry about you giving up or quitting.. not ever. I think you would go to work and do your job even if you had to crawl to get there. I know how much our children have always meant to you. They mean everything. To you they are what keep you going. You never pursued outside friends or even outside activities because it was your kids that you wanted to be around. They are your very life. Thanks for loving our children the way that you do. They couldn't have a better father than you. I love you honey. And here you are holding grandchild (John's newest.) number 11.


Lizzie M. said...

*sniff, sniff* Should have known once mom started blogging we'd all get teary eyed...... :-)

Very nice tribute to each one, mom!!

James said...

Very nice post. Thanks mom. Love you!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Awww, very sweet:) I'll show Aaron when he gets home.

Deborah Hays said...

Thank you! for making dad and I the most fortunate and blessed of parents. God has truly been good to us. We love you kids.
