I have always been fascinated with yo yo quilts. I have never made one but I've been intrigued by those who have. Just like crazy quilts, there is so much handwork involved that I appreciate more than ever, the time people have put into making these gorgeous quilts. I always want to know everything about each quilt that I have had the pleasure of seeing first hand... not only who made it, but who it was made for. Where did the fabrics come from and why was it made in the first place. In other words.. I want the full story.. if there is one. Quilts that have extensive handwork along with embellishments, get my full attention and admiration.. along with my curiosity.
Here are a few pictures of those beautiful quilts I have longed admired and wanted to make that I found on the web. Aren't they beautiful?

So the other day, I thought that I would begin making my own yo yo quilt. Do you know how much time those things take to make?? Ladies, I salute you. Let's just say that I didn't end up with a quilt.
So do you want to see what I did end up with? Meet Charlie.. This little guy was made by using Indygo Junction's pattern, Yo-Yo Monkey IJ 862 a Karen Kotte Design. Thanks for saving my hide Karen and to the quilt shop where I work who carries this adorable pattern.
I think he's pretty cute!
Grams and Gramps go out of town and you're a sewing machine!!
That's right! ;-)
Oh I love the monkey he is sooo cute
Love ya'll
Charlie is so darn cute! Yo yo's are just the best thing ever!
Great pics btw....
I still would like to do maybe a small yo yo quilt. Making the yo yo's is not that difficult.. it's just finding the time!!
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