For the Bernina we simply call it the #10 foot...but its real name is the edgestitch foot. This is a fantastic foot that has more uses than I could ever mention here on my little post. I use it a lot for heirloom sewing to sew laces, fabric or entredeux together... like I shared with you in my last post. That little blade that you see in the middle of the foot, can go into seams... when you want to 'stitch in the ditch'. You can use the blade as a guide for French seams. Or you can do what I did to join laces together with entredeux like the pictures below. Placing the lace and/or fabric on either side of the blade then using a small zig zag stitch to join them together gives you incredible results. Go to Bernina's website for more info!

I was trying to come up with different looks when making the christening gown. Here are a few examples that I made up for around the skirt of the gown.
I ended up liking this one the best. You can see the beautiful entredeux that I chose along with the Swiss insertion. The end result is the piece to the far right. I loved how delicate it looked and used it on a portion of the gown that I shared in my last post. Make up your own look and incorporate it in your next project!!! You won't be disappointed.
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