Thursday, June 21, 2012


I have been in Kansas for the past few weeks, spending time with my kids and grandkids who live there. I enjoy my time there very much and leaving is incredibly difficult as I know that I will be missing them terribly by the time I reach my seat on the plane. The grandkids seem to be growing up without me and I miss being able to watch it all first hand. Now that I am home, it is time to get back to sewing and I will share with you all the cute patterns and fabric that I purchased while in Kansas. But until then... I just had to share these pictures of a mother turkey and her little ones that showed up in my front yard this morning. I have lived here for thirty years and have never seen a wild turkey in my yard..... ever. We have hawks, vultures, owls, fact birds of every variety it seems.. but never turkeys. Snakes, lizards, squirrels, and rabbits abound all over our property, along with coyotes, but again this little family is a first for us. So I just had to share. I'm thinking they are coming for the blackberries that my son-in-law planted up on the side of the yard.... at least that's where the mom and her little ones hung out for some time. So much for fresh berries on my oatmeal.... sigh.. and I was looking so forward to that.


Lizzie M. said...

I can't believe you had turkeys in the front yard!!!! How cool!

Beks said...

That is nuts!!

Deborah Hays said...

Her little babies were so doggone cute!!