Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Yesterday I shared the view from my sewing room looking from the inside out, today I'll show you the view looking from the outside in. Our house, no doubt, needs a lot of work as we have lived here for 30 years and have raised our 7 children here..... along with a variety of animals. Lots of important events have taken place in this house of ours, but as they say, a house never really becomes a home until love is found there.... and I found lots of it!

Our home in the fall.

Our home in the winter.

Our home in the spring.(I know, I know, the lights are still up. My husband doesn't believe in ever taking them down.)

And out back with the kids playing near the horseshoe pit.


TheFitnessFreak said...


Lizzie M. said...

Must say, I love, love, love our family home. It is just so beautiful and has given me so many great memories!!

Deborah Hays said...

It WAS nice wasn't it?? I just am missing all of you!!

Love you, mom